Our aim is to provide healthy lunch options to the students at Chapel Hill State School. Our Tuckshop is open for first and second break lunches (delivered together at first break - 11.25) everyday.
We are also open for ice block sales at second break (1.15pm) every Friday. Orders can be placed via Qkr! or children can purchase with cash.
Orders can be placed via Qkr! online ordering system, it’s easy to set up an account and order online. Orders can be placed up until 8.30am on the day.
You can learn more about Qkr! on their website.
Our Tuckshop is run by our Convener Emma and Tuckshop assistants Ana, Barb and Michelle.
If you would like to learn more about our Tuckshop you can visit our P and C page at www.chsspandc.org.au and click on the Tuckshop tab.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards
Chapel Hill State School Tuckshop
Phone: 0481 105 755
Email: chapelhilltuckshop@gmail.com