In the interest of our children's safety, please refrain from reversing out of the driveway. In the event that reversing is unavoidable, please find an adult to help guide your way.
Parking in Tinbeerwah
If you use the Tinbeerwah entrance PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE NO STANDING ZONE! Please drive carefully and slowly AND BE AWARE OF OTHER CHILDREN. DO NOT STOP in the NO STANDING zones - Cars found to be stopped WILL BE FINED (police could be in attendance). Many thanks for your cooperation.
Ironbark Road
Please observe road rules for correct distance when parking before and after a zebra crossing. Please also be aware that queueing out the the school entrance on Ironbark Road and blocking the flow of traffic is an offense. This is reguarly policed and infrigment notices are being issued.
Picking Up and Dropping Off Students
It is asked that all parents please pay special attention when driving into and out of the School.
Please adhere to the parking signs that are displayed in the grounds and on the neighbouring roads (Tinbeerwah, Hakea Crescent, Ironbark Road). Please note the turning circle at the top of the driveway is a pick-up and drop-off zone only.
Please note that there have been instances where cars have parked across the driveways of homes surrounding the Chapel Hill School area (Goolman Street & Ironbark Road). Please refrain from doing so and be aware that if this continues to occur, the owners of these homes will be notifying the police. Thank you for your cooperation.
Turning Circle
A reminder to all parents that the School STOP DROP and GO section in the Turning Circle can be used up until 8:00am to access the Out of School Care facility or to drop of students with instruments for band. The Turning Circle will be closed after 8.00am and at this time there is no access to the Turning Circle. It will reopen at 8.45am. It is also important not to park and leave your car in the STOP DROP and GO section before 8.00am as it restricts traffic flow. The turning circle is also closed for parking between 2:30 - 3:30pm.
It is asked that all parents please abide by the 10KPH speed limit when entering and exiting the school grounds. The speed limit signs as well as any parking signs displayed in the grounds must be adhered to for the safety of all students and other individuals.